辻村 清也(ツジムラ セイヤ)
- 論文
- バイオ燃料電池の出力向上に向けた炭素電極の開発
辻村 清也
炭素/265/pp.205-213, 2014-12 - Exceptionally High Glucose Current on a Hierarchically Structured Porous Carbon Electrode with "Wired" Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-Dependent Glucose Dehydrogenase
Tsujimura Seiya; Murata Kazuki; Akatsuka Wataru
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/136(41)/pp.14432-14437, 2014-10 - Glucose oxidation catalyzed by FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase within Os complex-tethered redox polymer hydrogel
Murata Kazuki; Akatsuka Wataru; Sadakane Takuya; Matsu...
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA/136/pp.537-541, 2014-08 - Control of the pore size distribution of carbon cryogels by pH adjustment of catalyst solutions
Hamano Yasuyuki; Tsujimura Seiya; Shirai Osamu; Kano ...
MATERIALS LETTERS/128/pp.191-194, 2014-08 - Electrostatic interaction between an enzyme and electrodes in the electric double layer examined in a view of direct electron transfer-type bioelectrocatalysis.
Sugimoto Yu; Kitazumi Yuki; Tsujimura Seiya; Shirai Osamu; Ya...
Biosensors & bioelectronics/(63)/pp.138-144, 2014-07-16 - Bioelectrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose on MgO-templated Mesoporous Carbon-modified Electrode
Murata Kazuki; Akatsuka Wataru; Tsujimura Seiya
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/43(6)/pp.928-930, 2014-06 - バイオ燃料電池の出力向上に向けた炭素電極の開発
辻村 清也
炭素/2014(265)/pp.195-203, 2014 - Oxygen reduction reactions of the thermostable bilirubin oxidase from Bacillus pumilus on mesoporous carbon-cryogel electrodes
Tsujimura Seiya; Suraniti Emmanuel; Durand Fabien; Man...
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA/117/pp.263-267, 2014-01 - Lactate biosensors: current status and outlook
Rassaei Liza; Olthuis Wouter; Tsujimura Seiya; Sudholt...
ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY/406(1)/pp.123-137, 2014-01 - Re-construction of Pentose Phosphate Pathway Coupled with a Bioelectrocatalytic NADPH Oxidation System for Bioanodes of Biofuel Cells
Sakai Hideki; Tokita Yuichi; Tsujimura Seiya; Shirai ...
ELECTROCHEMISTRY/81(12)/pp.981-984, 2013-12 - Water-repellent-treated enzymatic electrode for passive air-breathing biocathodic reduction of oxygen
Nakagawa Takaaki; Mita Hiroki; Kumita Hideyuki; Sakai ...
ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS/36/pp.46-49, 2013-11 - ボルドー滞在記
辻村 清也
電気化学および工業物理化学 : denki kagaku/81(8)/pp.661-662, 2013-08-05 - MEMS技術で作成したフレキシブル流路型グルコース燃料電池の試作と評価(薄膜(Si,化合物,有機,フレキシブル)機能デバイス・バイオテクノロジー・材料・評価技術及び一般)
小出 翔平; 福士 雄大; 生駒 竜太; 赤塚 渉; 辻村 清也; 西岡 泰城
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SDM, シリコン材料・デバイス/113(17)/pp.31-36, 2013-04 - Flexible and high-performance paper-based biofuel cells using printed porous carbon electrodes
Shitanda Isao; Kato Seiya; Hoshi Yoshinao; Itagaki Ma...
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS/49(94)/pp.11110-11112, 2013-04 - Designing Thin Films of Redox Hydrogel for Highly Efficient Enzymatic Anodes
Suraniti E.; Vives S.; Tsujimura S.; Mano N.
JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY/160(6)/pp.G79-G82, 2013-04 - 酵素電極触媒型NADPH酸化反応を共役したペントースリン酸経路の再構成
酒井 秀樹; 戸木田 裕一; 辻村 清也; 白井 理; 加納 健司
Electrochemistry/81(12)/pp.981-984, 2013 - Direct electron transfer to a metagenome-derived laccase fused to affinity tags near the electroactive copper site
Tsujimura Seiya; Asahi Masafumi; Goda-Tsutsumi Maiko; ...
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/15(47)/pp.20585-20589, 2013-04 - Fabrication and Characterization of Glucose Fuel Cells with Microchannels Fabricated on Flexible Polyimide Film
Fukushi Yudai; Koide Syohei; Ikoma Ryuta; Akatsuka Wa...
JOURNAL OF PHOTOPOLYMER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/26(3)/pp.303-308, 2013-04 - Electrostatic and Steric Interaction between Redox Polymers and Some Flavoenzymes in Mediated Bioelectrocatalysis
Nieh; C.-H.; Tsujimura; S.; Shirai; O.; Kano; K.; +辻村 清也
J. Electroanal. Chem./689/p.26-30, 2013 - Amperometric Biosensor Based on Reductive H2O2 Detection Using Pentacyanoferrate-bound Polymer for Creatinine Determination
Nieh; C.-H.; Tsujimura; S.; Shirai; O.; Kano; K.; +辻村 清也
Anal. Chim. Acta/767/p.128-133, 2013 - Bioelectrocatalytic oxidation of glucose with antibiotic channel-containing liposomes
Fujita; S.; Matsumoto; R.; Ozawa; K.; Sakai; H.; Maesaka; A.; Sakai...
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys./15/p.2650-2653, 2013 - Amperometric biosensor based on reductive H2O2 detection using pentacyanoferrate-bound polymer for creatinine determination.
Nieh Chi-Hua; Tsujimura Seiya; Shirai Osamu; Kano Kenji
Analytica chimica acta/(767)/pp.128-133, 2013-03-12 - Amperometric biosensor based on reductive H2O2 detection using pentacyanoferrate-bound polymer for creatinine determination
Nieh Chi-Hua; Tsujimura Seiya; Shirai Osamu; Kano Kenji
ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA/767/pp.128-133, 2013-03 - Diffusion-controlled Detection of Glucose with Microelectrodes in Mediated Bioelectrocatalytic Oxidation
Noda Tatsuo; Wanibuchi Mizue; Kitazumi Yuki; 辻村 清也; Shirai Os...
ANALYTICAL SCIENCES/29(3)/pp.279-281, 2013-03 - Modifications of laccase activities of copper efflux oxidase, CueO by synergistic mutations in the first and second coordination spheres of the type I copper center
Kataoka; Kogi Hiroki; Tsujimura Seiya; Sakurai Takeshi
- バイオ燃料電池の出力向上に向けた炭素電極の開発