釜江 陽一(カマエ ヨウイチ)
- 論文
- The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2: Large scale climate features and climate sensitivity
Haywood A. M.; Tindall J. C.; Dowsett H. J.; Dolan A. M....
CLIMATE OF THE PAST/16(6)/pp.2095-2123, 2020-11 - Monthly modulation of ENSO teleconnections: Implications for potential predictability in North America
Chapman W. C.; Subramanian A. C.; Xie S.-P.; Sierks M. D...
Journal of Climate/34(14)/pp.5899-5921, 2021-07 - Underestimated marine stratocumulus cloud feedback associated with overly active deep convection in models
Hirota N.; Ogura T.; Shiogama H.; Caldwell P.; Watanabe ...
Environmental Research Letters/16(7), 2021-06 - Anomalous Warm Winter 2019/2020 over East Asia associated with Trans-basin Indo-Pacific connections
Kuramochi M.; Ueda H.; Kobayashi C.; Kamae Y.; Takaya K.
SOLA/17B/pp.9-13, 2021-08 - Evaluation of Arctic warming in mid-Pliocene climate simulations
de Nooijer Wesley; Zhang Qiong; Li Qiang; Zhang Qiang; Li...
CLIMATE OF THE PAST/16(6)/pp.2325-2341, 2020-11 - Impacts of seasonal transitions of ENSO on atmospheric river activity over East Asia
Naoi Moeka; Kamae Youichi; Ueda Hiroaki; Mei Wei
JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/98(3)/pp.655-668, 2020-01 - Drier tropical and subtropical Southern Hemisphere in the Mid-Pliocene warm period
Pontes G. M.; Wainer I.; Taschetto A. S.; Gupta A. S.; Ab...
Scientific Reports/10, 2020-08 - Eastern Pacific wind effect on the evolution of El Niño: Implications for ENSO diversity
Peng Q.; Xie S.-P.; Wang D.; Kamae Yoichi; Zhang H.; Hu ...
Journal of Climate/33(8)/pp.3197-3212, 2020-03 - Impacts of Seasonal Transitions of ENSO on Atmospheric River Activity over East Asia
Naoi Moeka; Youichi Kamae; Ueda Hiroaki; Mei Wei
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan/98(3)/pp.655-668, 2020-06 - Ocean warming pattern effects on future changes in East Asian atmospheric rivers
Kamae Yoichi; Mei W.; Xie S.-P.
ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS/14(5), 2019-05 - Variability and predictability of North Atlantic hurricane frequency in a large ensemble of high-resolution atmospheric simulations
Mei W.; Kamae Yoichi; Xie S.-P.; Yoshida K.
Journal of Climate/32(11)/pp.3153-3167, 2019-05 - Seasonally variant low cloud adjustment over cool oceans
Kamae Yoichi; Chadwick R.; Ackerley D.; Ringer M.; Ogura T.
CLIMATE DYNAMICS/52(9-10)/pp.5801-5817, 2019-04 - The effects of natural variability and climate change to the record low sunshine over Japan during August 2017
Takahashi C.; Shiogama H.; Imada Y.; Kosaka Y.; Mori M.; ...
BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY/100(1)/pp.S67-S71, 2019-01 - 2015, 2016年における台風発生数の季節的な変調
植田 宏昭; 釜江 陽一
日本気象学会「天気」/65(11)/pp.749-753, 2018-11 - 第4回気象気候若手研究者交流会開催報告
釜江 陽一; 栃本英伍; 西川はつみ; 宇野史睦; 山崎哲; 川瀬宏明; 辻野智紀; 神山翼; 大竹潤; 山下陽介; 道端拓朗; 川添...
天気/65(9)/pp.643-648, 2018-09 - Low clouds link equilibrium climate sensitivity to hydrological sensitivity
Watanabe M.; Kamae Yoichi; Shiogama H.; DeAngelis A. M.; ...
NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE/8(10)/pp.901-906, 2018-10 - 「絵でわかる地球温暖化」渡部雅浩著
釜江 陽一
日本気象学会「天気」/65(8)/pp.604-605, 2018-08 - Seasonal modulation of tropical cyclone occurrence associated with coherent Indo-Pacific variability during decaying phase of El Niño
Ueda Hiroaki; Miwa Kana; Kamae Yoichi
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan/96(4)/pp.381-390, 2018-08 - Eastern Pacific ITCZ dipole and ENSO diversity
Xie S.-P.; Peng Q.; Kamae Yoichi; Zheng X.-T.; Tokinaga ...
Journal of Climate/31(11)/pp.4449-4462, 2018-05 - 「様々な結合過程がもたらす異常気象の実態とそのメカニズム」に関する研究集会の報告
廣岡 俊彦; 伊藤 耕介; 小守 信正; 山口 春季; 江口 菜穂; 野口 峻佑; 竹村 和人; 釜江 陽一; 榎...
日本気象学会「天気」/65(3)/pp.194-199, 2018-03 - Effectiveness and limitations of parameter tuning in reducing biases of top-of-atmosphere radiation and clouds in MIROC version 5
Ogura T.; Shiogama H.; Watanabe M.; Yoshimori M.; Yokohat...
GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT/10(12)/pp.4647-4664, 2017-12 - Climate change increased the likelihood of the 2016 heat extremes in Asia
Imada Y.; Shiogama H.; Takahashi C.; Watanabe M.; Mori M...
BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY/99(1)/pp.S97-S101, 2018-01 - 最終氷期最大期におけるグローバルモンスーン
釜江 陽一
地球環境史学会誌PALEO/5(2), 2017-12 - 鮮新世後期の気候モデリングと各境界条件の役割
釜江 陽一
地球環境史学会誌PALEO/5(2), 2017-12 - Seasonal modulation of the Asian summer monsoon between the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age: a multi model study
Kamae Yoichi; Kawana T.; Oshiro M.; Ueda H.
- The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2: Large scale climate features and climate sensitivity