プエンテス サンドラ(プエンテス サンドラ)


  • マウス頭部外傷モデルにおけるナノ粒子化活性酸素消去剤(RNP)による脳代謝への効果の検証.
    高橋利英; 丸島愛樹; 長崎幸夫; 室井 愛; Puentes S; Mujagic A; 松村 明
  • マウス頭部外傷モデルにおけるナノ粒子化活性酸素消去剤(RNP)による脳保護効果の検証.
    高橋利英; 丸島愛樹; 長崎幸夫; Puentes S; Mujagic A; 松村 明
  • Neurovascular Unit Protection Using Nitroxide Radicals-containing Nanoparticles (TEMPO-RNP) for Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Mice.
    細尾久幸; 丸島愛樹; 長崎幸夫; 平山 暁; 伊藤 紘; S Puentes; A Mujagic; 鶴嶋英夫; 松井裕...
    International Stroke Conference 2018/2018-1-24--2018-1-27
  • Robotic intervention reshapes gait coordination in myelopathy patients with residual motor disturbances after surgery
    Puentes Sandra; Kadone Hideki; Kubota Shigeki; Abe Tetsu...
    12th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineWorld Congress ISPRM 2018/2018-07-08--2018-07-12
  • Gait training with a powered exoskeleton improve gait coordination in acute stroke patients
    Puentes Sandra; Kadone Hideki; Watanabe Hiroki; sankai y...
    12th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineWorld Congress ISPRM 2018/2018-07-08--2018-07-12
  • Gait coordination in acute stroke patients before and after gait training using a powered exoskeleton
    Puentes Sandra; Kadone Hideki; Watanabe Hiroki; sankai y...
  • Gait coordination improvement in myelopathy patients with residual motor disturbances after decompression surgery
    Puentes Sandra; kadone hideki; abe tetsuya; Shimizu Yuki...
  • Neurovascular Unit Protection Using Nitroxide Radicals-containing Nanoparticles (TEMPO-RNP) for Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Mice
    細尾 久幸; 丸島 愛樹; 長崎 幸夫; 平山 暁; 伊藤 紘; Sandra Puentes; Arnela ...
    International Stroke Conference 2018/2018-01-24
  • 新規活性酸素消去剤RNPによる 脳虚血再灌流障害に対するneuro-endthelial protection効果の検証
    細尾 久幸; 丸島 愛樹; 長崎 幸夫; 平山 暁; 伊藤 紘; Sandra Puentes; Arnela ...
  • Reshaping of gait coordination by robotic therapy in myelopathy patients after surgery
    Puentes Sandra; kadone Hideki; Kubota Shigeki; Abe Tetsu...
  • 脳卒中急性期患者におけるロボット治療後の運動機能と歩行中下肢協調動作の改善
    Sandra Puentes; Hideki Kadone; Hiroki Watanabe; Yoshiyuki...
  • 重度脊髄障害例に対してロボットスーツHALを用いた機能改善治療効果の解 析—介入期間前後の歩行時下肢協調制御に着目して
    Puentes Sandra; Hideki Kadone; Shigeki Kubota; Tetsuya A...
  • Clinical application of Robot Suit HAL for Neurorehabilitation in Japan
    Puentes Sandra; Aiki Marushima
    Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW) 2017/2017-09-20--2017-09-22
  • Gait Coordination in Acute Myelopathy Patients Before and After Gait Treatment Using a Powered Exoskeleton
    Puentes Sandra; Hideki Kadone; Aiki Marushima; Shigeki K...
    International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) World Congress/2017-06-25--2017-06-29
  • Gait coordination in acute myelopathy patients before and after Hybrid Assistive Limb ® (HAL) robot suit treatment
    Puentes Sandra; Hideki Kadone; Aiki Marushima; Shigeki K...
    第 54 回 日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会/2017-06-08--2017-06-10
  • AMPA mediated excitotoxicity differs from White and grey matter
    Puentes Martinez Sandra Milena
    19th annual meeting of the Japanese society of cerebral blood flow and metabolism/2007-10
  • A new method for volumen assessment of lacunar infarction in the rat brain
    Puentes Martinez Sandra Milena
    20th annual meeting of the Japanese society of cerebral blood flow and metabolism/2007-10
  • A trial for axonal regeneration by using bFGF continuous delivery system in the rat brain
    Puentes Martinez Sandra Milena
    52nd congress of the Japanese society for neurochemistry and the 24th congress of the Japanese society for neural growth regeneration and transplantation: GRT/2009-06
  • bFGF gelatin microspheres delivery system for axonal regeneration in rat brain lacunar infarction
    Puentes Martinez Sandra Milena
    21th annual meeting of the Japanese society of cerebral blood flow and metabolism/2009-11
  • Microvascular endothelial cells transplantation modulates the inflammatory response after lacunar infarction into the rat internal capsule
    Puentes Martinez Sandra Milena
    32nd annual meeting of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology societies of Japan: BMB/2012-12
  • Development of a new brain ischemia model to induce motor deficit in the non-human primate: Anterior choroidal artery occlusion
    Puentes Martinez Sandra Milena
    22nd anual meeting of the society for neural control of movement/2012-04
  • A new model of lacunar stroke in the non-human primate
    Puentes Martinez Sandra Milena
    36th annual meeting of the Japan neuroscience society, the 56th annual meeting of the Japanese society for neurochemistry and the 23rd annual conference of Japanese neural network society: Neuro 2013/2013-06