菅野 直美(カンノ ナオミ)
- 論文
- Postoperative Deep Sedation after Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery for Oral Cancer Increases the Risk of Early Postoperative Pneumonia
Fukuzawa Satoshi; Yamagata Kenji; Takaoka Shohei; Uchi...
DENTISTRY JOURNAL/11(5), 2023-05-18 - Anterior Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis With Bone-borne Intraoral Buccal Devices for Maxillary Hypoplasia With Cleft Lip and Palate
Yamagata Kenji; Mohri Tamaki; Watanabe Atsushi; Bukawa...
JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY/34(6)/pp.1867-1871, 2023-05-30 - A Case of Primary Intraosseous Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Mandible
Sasaki Erika; Yamagata Kenji; Hagiwara Takayuki; Takas...
CASE REPORTS IN DENTISTRY/2023, 2023-04-01 - A Case of Tophaceous Pseudogout with Destruction of the Skull Base at the Temporomandibular Joint
Bukawa Kotaro; Fukuzawa Satoshi; Yamagata Kenji; Uchid...
INDIAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND HEAD & NECK SURGERY/75(2)/pp.1109-1113, 2023-06-01 - 口底に発生した孤立性線維腫瘍の1例
福澤 智; 山縣憲司; 寺田和浩; 内田文彦; 菅野直美; 柳川 徹; 武川寛樹
日本口腔腫瘍学会誌/35(1)/pp.25-31, 2023-03 - ヒト歯髄幹細胞の神経系細胞への分化誘導
高岡昇平; 福澤 智; 内田文彦; 菅野直美; 柳川 徹
日本外傷歯学会雑誌/17(1)/pp.47-54, 2021-12 - Antioxidative Self-Assembling Nanoparticles Attenuate the Development of Steatohepatitis and Inhibit Hepatocarcinogenesis in Mice.
Watahiki Takahisa; Okada Kosuke; Miura Ikuru; To Keii; Ta...
ANTIOXIDANTS, 2022-11 - Protocol for a multicentre, prospective observational study of elective neck dissection for clinically node-negative oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (END-TC study)
Yanamoto Souichi; Michi Yasuyuki; Otsuru Mitsunobu; In...
BMJ open/12(9), 2022-09 - Antioxidative Self-Assembling Nanoparticles Attenuate the Development of Steatohepatitis and Inhibit Hepatocarcinogenesis in Mice.
Okada Kousuke; Warabi Eiji; Suzuki Hideo; Kanno Naomi...
ANTIOXIDANTS/11(10)/p.1939, 2022-09 - Convenient Decision Criteria for Surgery in Elderly Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Takasaki Ryo; Yamagata Kenji; Fukuzawa Satoshi; Uchida...
Dentistry journal/11(1), 2022-12-26 - A Case of Primary Intraosseous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising in Dentigerous Cyst of Mandible
Yamagata Kenji; Fukuzawa Satoshi; Inoue Yutaka; Uchida F...
JOURNAL OF MAXILLOFACIAL & ORAL SURGERY/Epub, 2022-04 - Pulmonary embolism associated with oral cancer: A three-case report and literature review
Uchida Fumihiko; Yamagata Kenji; Takaoka Shohei; Fukuzawa...
ORAL SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL/Epub, 2022-05 - A Case of Tooth Extraction in a Patient with Food-Dependent Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis
Fukuzawa Satoshi; Yamagata Kenji; Nishizawa Takumi; Uchid...
JOURNAL OF MAXILLOFACIAL & ORAL SURGERY/Epub, 2022-05 - Accidental Insertion of a Broken Needle into the Pterygoid Mandibular Space during Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block: A Case Report
Terada Kazuhiro; Yamagata Kenji; Uchida Fumihiko; Fukuzaw...
CASE REPORTS IN DENTISTRY/2022, 2022-04-01 - ホルモン療法が行われた前立腺がん下顎骨転移の1例
高﨑 稜; 山縣 憲司; 菅野 直美; 内田 文彦; 福澤 智; 武川 寛樹
茨城県歯科医学会誌/30/pp.3-7, 2022-07 - 筑波大学附属病院歯科・口腔外科における口腔がんの臨床的検討.
長谷川佑磨; 内田 文彦; 長井 宏樹; 福澤 智; 菅野 直美; 山縣 憲司; 柳川 徹; 武川 寛樹
茨城県歯科医学会誌/29/pp.3-8, 2021-07 - 下顎骨関節突起骨折の臨床学的検討
内田文彦; 青山直樹; 高岡昇平; 福澤 智; 菅野直美; 柳川 徹
日本外傷歯学会雑誌/17(1)/pp.29-34, 2021-12 - ヒト歯髄幹細胞の神経系細胞への分化誘導
高岡昇平; 福澤 智; 内田文彦; 菅野直美; 柳川 徹
日本外傷歯学会雑誌/17(1)/pp.47-54, 2021-12 - Lip Epidermoid Cyst Caused by a Piercing: A Report of a Rare Case
Ito Takashi; Fukuzawa Satoshi; Yamagata Kenji; Takaoka S...
Case reports in dentistry/2022, 2022-04-01 - Anatomical Variant of Spinal Accessory Nerve Passing through Fenestrated Internal Jugular Vein
Takaoka Shohei; Yamagata Kenji; Okubo-Sato Makiko; Fukuza...
CASE REPORTS IN DENTISTRY/2022, 2022-04-01 - Transplanted neural lineage cells derived from dental pulp stem cells promote peripheral nerve regeneration
Takaoka Shohei; Uchida Fumihiko; Ishikawa Hiroshi; Toy...
HUMAN CELL/35(2)/pp.462-471, 2022-03 - Does the geriatric nutrition risk index predict the prognosis of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma?
Yamagata Kenji; Fukuzawa Satoshi; Uchida Fumihiko; Ter...
BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY/60(4)/pp.475-481, 2021-09 - Dedifferentiated Low-Grade Central Osteosarcoma of the Mandible
Yamagata Kenji; Ishibashi-Kanno Naomi; Matsuoka Ryota; Uc...
Case reports in dentistry/2022, 2022-01 - Is the addition of extranodal extension and lymph node yield of pN0 to the lymph node ratio useful as a prognostic parameter for patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma?
Yamagata K.; Fukuzawa S.; Uchida F.; Okubo-Sato M.; Ishib...
BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY/59(8)/pp.941-946, 2021-10 - Age Related Immunosenescence Epstein-Barr Virus-positive Mucocutaneous Ulcer of the Palate Mimicking Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
Fukuzawa Satoshi; Yamagata Kenji; Terada Kazuhiro; Uchida...
- Postoperative Deep Sedation after Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery for Oral Cancer Increases the Risk of Early Postoperative Pneumonia