叶 秀彩(ヨウ シュウサイ)


2019-08 -- 2020-06The 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and ComputingTechnical Program Committee
2019-01 -- 2019-07The 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksTechnical Program Committee
2018-11 -- 2019-05The Mobile and Wireless Networks Symposium of IEEE ICC 2019Technical Program Committee
2018-08 -- 2019-05The 3rd International Conference on Medical and Health InformaticsPoster Chair
2018-08 -- 2019-02The 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and ComputingTechnical Program Committee
2018-06 -- 2019-05The IEICE Transactions on Communications Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence for Biological Sequence and Functional AnalysisSpecial Section on Exploring Drone for Mobile Sensing, Coverage and CommunicationsGuest Associate Editor
2017-08 -- 2018-05The 2nd International Conference on Medical and Health InformaticsTechnical Program Committee
2017-08 -- 2018-02The 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and ComputingTechnical Program Committee
2017-01 -- 2017-08IEEE SOWN 2017Technical Program Committee
2016-08 -- 2017-02The 9th International Conference on Machine Learning and ComputingTechnical Program Committee