町田 文雄(マチダ フミオ)


  • Quantitative understanding serial-parallel hybrid SFC services: a dependability perspective
    Bai Jing; Chang Xiaolin; Machida Fumio; Han Zhen; Xu Yan...
    PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS/15(4)/pp.1923-1938, 2022-05
  • Availability Modeling for Drone Image Processing Systems with Adaptive Offloading
    Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson
    IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC)/pp.93-103, 2021-12
  • Performance analysis of machine learning-based systems for detecting deforestation
    Araujo Michel de; Andrade Ermeson; Machida Fumio
    Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC)/pp.1-8, 2021-11
  • Memory Degradation Analysis in Private and Public Cloud Environments
    Andrade Ermeson; Machida Fumio; Pietrantuono Roberto; Cot...
    International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation/pp.33-39, 2021-10
  • Failure threshold setting for Wiener-process-based remaining useful life estimation
    Liu Xingzhi; Machida Fumio
    IEEE Global Reliability & Prognostics and Health Management Conference/pp.1-5, 2021-06
  • Impact of Service Function Aging on the Dependability for MEC Service Function Chain
    Bai Jing; Chang Xiaolin; Machida Fumio; Jiang Lili; H...
  • A Comparative Analysis of Software Aging in Image Classifiers on Cloud and Edge
    Andrade Ermeson; Pietrantuono Roberto; Machida Fumio; Cot...
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2021-12
  • A Robustness Evaluation of Concept Drift Detectors against Unreliable Data Streams
    Machida Fumio; Wang Sixiang
    IEEE 7th World Forum on the Internet of Things, 2021-06
  • PA-offload: Performability-aware Adaptive Fog Offloading for Drone Image Processing
    Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson
    IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC2021), 2021-05
  • A Queueing Analysis of Multi-model Multi-input Machine Learning Systems
    Tuan Phung-Duc; Yuta Makino; Fumio Machida
    Proceedings of The 4th DSN Workshop on Dependable and Secure Machine Learning (DSN-DSML'21), 2021-06
  • Software aging in image classification systems on cloud and edge
    Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson; Pietrantuono Roberto; Cot...
    Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW)/pp.342-348, 2020-10
  • Markov chains and Petri nets for software rejuvenation systems
    Machida Fumio; Paulo R. M. Maciel
    IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW)/pp.325-326, 2020-10
  • Analysis of optimal file placement for energy-efficient file-sharing cloud storage system
    Machida Fumio; Hasebe Koji; Abe Hirotake; Kato Kazuhiko
    IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing/7(1)/pp.75-86, 2020-11
  • マルコフ連鎖を用いた多モデル多入力型機械学習システムの性能評価
    巻野 侑大; Tuan Phung-Duc; 町田 文雄
    第37回(2020年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」/pp.79-88, 2021-01
  • DSN 2019 参加報告
    町田 文雄; 松野裕
    コンピュータ ソフトウェア/37(1)/pp.78-83, 2020-01
  • Analyzing software rejuvenation techniques in a virtualized system: service provider and user views
    Bai Jing; Chang Xiaolin; Machida Fumio; Trivedi Kishor S...
    IEEE Access/8/pp.6448-6459, 2020-01
  • On the diversity of machine learning models for system reliability
    Machida Fumio
    Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim Int'l Symp. on Dependable Computing (PRDC)/pp.276-285, 2019-12
  • Analysis of software aging impacts on plant anomaly detection with edge computing
    Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson
    Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), 2019-10
  • N-version machine learning models for safety critical systems
    Machida Fumio
    DSN Workshop on Dependable and Secure Machine Learning/pp.48-51, 2019
  • 仮想サーバ統合環境におけるアクセスポリシー管理方式
    小川 隆一; 中江 政行; 前野 義晴; 森田 陽一郎; 町田 文雄; 但野 紅美子
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ISEC, 情報セキュリティ/110(113)/pp.93-100, 2010-06
  • 自律運用管理ミドルウェアを高速化する資源情報キャッシュ制御方式
    町田 文雄; 小倉 章嗣; 西村 祥治; 川戸 正裕; 前野 義晴
    分散システム/インターネット運用技術シンポジウム2005論文集/2005/pp.49-54, 2005-12
  • 耐物理サーバ故障性を備える仮想サーバを用いた冗長構成の設計
    町田 文雄; 川戸 正裕; 前野 義晴
    情報処理学会研究報告システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム(OS)/2008(35)/pp.9-15, 2008-04
  • 投機的仮想マシンスタンバイ制御によるプロビジョニング高速化
    町田 文雄; 川戸 正裕; 前野 義晴
    情報処理学会論文誌/49(6)/pp.2070-2080, 2008-06-15
  • Practices in Model Component Reuse for Efficient Dependability Analysis
    Machida Fumio
    Companion of the 2019 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering/pp.65-70, 2019-04
  • Performability modeling for RAID storage systems by Markov regenerative process
    Machida Fumio; Trivedi Kishor S.; Xia Ruofan
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing/pp.138-150, 2018-01
  • さらに表示...