鈴木 大地(スズキ ダイチ)


  • The neurodevelopment of the optic nerve in amphioxi and lampreys; a vista to the evolutionary origin of the vertebrate form vision
    G. Suzuki Daichi; Murakami Yasunori; Wada Hiroshi
    Japan Neuroscience Society/2011-09-01
  • Neuro evo devo: on the evolutionary origin of the vertebrate image-forming vision
    G. Suzuki Daichi; Murakami Yasunori; Wada Hiroshi
    Euro Evo Devo 2012/2012-06-01
  • The evolution of the midbrain and image-forming vision: from chordates to vertebrates
    G. Suzuki Daichi; Murakami Yasunori; Wada Hiroshi
    CDB Symposium 2013/2013-03-01
  • “Dual visual development” in lampreys and the midbrain as a novel brain region in vertebrates
    G. Suzuki Daichi; Murakami Yasunori; Wada Hiroshi
    7th European Conference on Comparative Neurobiology/2013-04-01
  • The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate midbrain
    G. Suzuki Daichi; Murakami Yasunori; Wada Hiroshi
    Euro Evo Devo 2014/2014-07-01
  • Beyond the dichotomy of individual and kind: The persistently reproducible module (PRM) theory of homology
    G. Suzuki Daichi; Tanaka Senji
    ISHPSSB 2015, Organized session "Ontology and epistemology of identifying characters and genes"/2015-07-01
  • Dual (or two-step) development of the lamprey midbrain tectum
    G. Suzuki Daichi; Murakami Yasunori; Wada Hiroshi
    8th European Conference on Comparative Neurobiology/2016-04-01
  • The extra-ocular muscles of the lamprey and their evolutionary implication
    G. Suzuki Daichi; Fukumoto Yuma; Kuratani Shigeru; Wada ...
    Euro Evo Devo 2016/2016-07-01
  • Direct dopaminergic inputs from the SNc/VTA modulate sensorimotor transformation in tectum
    Juan Pérez-Fernández; A. Kardamakis Andreas; G. Suzuki D...
    Nordic Neuroscience 2017/2017-06-01
  • Toward elucidation of a visual decision-making mechanisms: Insights from the lamprey tectum
    G. Suzuki Daichi; A. Kardamakis Andreas; Wibble Tobias; ...
    Nordic Neuroscience 2017/2017-06-01
  • The SNc/VTA responds to saliency while modulating D1 and D2 expressing neurons in the lamprey tectum
    Juan Pérez-Fernández; A. Kardamakis Andreas; G. Suzuki D...
    Society for Neuroscience 2017/2017-11-01
  • Tectal microcircuits mediate the behavioral switch between orienting and avoidance movements
    G. Suzuki Daichi; A. Kardamakis Andreas; Wibble Tobias; ...
    Society for Neuroscience 2017/2017-11-01
  • Neuro-evo-devo on consciousness: A perspective
    G. Suzuki Daichi
    The 1st AsiaEvo Conference, Symposium "Diverse dimensions of evolution: Behavior, culture and consciousness"/2018-04-01
  • Possible conceptual and empirical contributions of EvoDevo to consciousness studies
    G. Suzuki Daichi
    Consciousness Research Network (CoRN) 2019/2019-01-23
  • The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate brain: with special reference to the visual system
    G. Suzuki Daichi
    Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists, Symposium "Theory of the brain diversity based on evolution of developmental mechanism"/2019-05-17
  • The evolution of the vertebrate visual decision-making
    G. Suzuki Daichi
    The Zoological Society of Japan, The 1st International Exchange Symposium of Zoology(Narishige Symposium): Invitation to Neuroscience/2019-09-13
  • The evolutionary transition to the vertebrate brain
    G. Suzuki Daichi
    日本比較生理生化学会 シンポジウム「脳の理解にむけた比較生物学と進化論的アプローチ」/2019-11-30