原 田(ゲン デン)
- 所属
- 生命環境系
- 職名
- 助教
- 0000-0003-3111-365X
- eメール
- /JF2?]E:2?]82Tbr2ETbtF]EDF<F32]24];A
- 研究室
- 総合研究棟A604
- 研究分野
環境技術・環境負荷低減 - 研究キーワード
有機廃棄物処理 嫌気性消化 廃棄物資源化 水環境浄化 環境モニタリング 環境毒性評価 - 研究課題
メタン発酵消化液の機能性液肥としての価値解明 2024-04 -- 2027-03 原 田 日本学術振興会/若手研究 4,680,000円 農畜残渣の効率的資源化を目指した新規乾式メタン発酵法の開発 2023-10 -- 2024-09 原 田 日本生命財団/若手・奨励研究助成 1,450,000円 持続可能な資源循環型の新農法(アクアポニックスを含む)およびバイオエネルギーシステムにおける研究開発 2023-04 -- 2024-03 原 田 オリエンタル白石株式会社/ 皮革産業による環境汚染に起因する健康障害を解決する疫学・基礎融合研究 2022-10 -- 2027-03 加藤 昌志 日本学術振興会/国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)) (分担者) 20,150,000円 Establishment of Stable Granular Symbiosis of Microalgae and Bacteria with Well Separated Oxygenic Photosynthesis and N2 Fixation in Its Layered Structure 2022-07 -- 2025-03 雷 中方 日本学術振興会/挑戦的研究(萌芽) (分担者) 微小動物-細菌の相利関係を応用した水圏修復と持続的な保全 2022-04 -- 2025-03 清水 和哉 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B) 再生可能エネルギーであるバイオガスの高効率利用に向けたバイオガス改質技術の革新 2022-04 -- 2023-03 原 田 公益財団法人アサヒビール学術振興財団/ 1,000,000円 藻類グラニュールによる持続的な地下水元素汚染浄化法の開発 2021-12 -- 2024-03 原 田 筑波大学/研究基盤支援プログラムSタイプ 3,000,000円 モリブデン曝露に対する健康影響評価及び浄化技術の開発 2020-04 -- 2024-03 原 田 日本学術振興会/若手研究 4,160,000円 - 職歴
2021-05 -- (現在) 筑波大学生命環境系助教 2019-10 -- 2021-05 名古屋大学医学系研究科環境労働衛生学研究員 - 学歴
2016-10 -- 2019-09 筑波大学 生命環境科学研究科 持続環境学 2014-04 -- 2016-03 筑波大学 生命環境科学研究科 環境科学 2009-09 -- 2013-06 四川大学 生命科学学部 生物科学学科 - 取得学位
2019-9 博士(環境学) 筑波大学 2016-3 修士(環境科学) 筑波大学 2013-6 学士(理学) 四川大学 - 所属学協会
2024-01 -- (現在) 日本微生物生態学会 2022-12 -- (現在) 国際バイオプロセス・サステナビリティ学会 2022-01 -- (現在) 国際バイオプロセッシング協会 2022-01 -- (現在) 日本生物工学会 - 受賞
2024-08 ICBS2024ポスター発表優秀賞 Yan Junqi 2024-08 ICBS2024ポスター発表優秀賞 Hu Jian 2024-08 ICBS2024ポスター発表優秀賞 Gao Baoqi 2024-08 ICBS2024口頭発表優秀賞 Xu Jing 2023-09 筑波大学生命地球科学研究群長表彰 Zhang Chi 2023-09 筑波大学生命地球科学研究群長表彰 Wang Zhiwei 2022-09 JCK forum発表優秀賞 Xu Jing 2023-03 ICBS2023ポスター発表最優秀賞 Li Yicong 2019-9 筑波大学学長表彰 Yuan Tian - 論文
- Molecular Characterization of Cancer Preventive and Therapeutic Potential of Three Antistress Compounds, Triethylene Glycol, Withanone, and Withaferin A
Zhang Huayue; Kim Hyonchol; Yuan Tian; Zhang Zhenya; ...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES/26(2), 2025-01 - Integration of biogas and liquid recirculation enhance methane production in high-solid anaerobic digestion of pig manure and rice husks
Xu Zhuoqi; Gu Wenbo; Shi Yuwei; Li Baibing; Zhang Zh...
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY/416, 2025-01 - γCyclodextrin-assisted Aqueous Extract of Cinnamon for Cancer and Stress Management
Shi Yang; He Huifu; Zhang Huayue; Yuan Tian; Zhang Z...
CURRENT TOPICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY/Epub, 2024-08-20 - Controlled n-type doping in graphene using a photobase generator and polyethylene oxide blends
Wang Yuqing; Ishihara Masatou; Kirihara Kazuhiro; Jian...
DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS/147/p.111306, 2024-06 - High-efficiency anaerobic digestion of soybean curb residue with simultaneous phosphorus recovery by MgFe layered double hydroxides addition
YUAN Tian; Kong Xiangxu; Gao Baoqi; Liu Yi; Lei Zhon...
Bioresource Technology Reports/26/p.101862, 2024-05 - Preliminary tests on carbon and nitrogen emissions and nutrients availability upon application of algal-bacterial granules to arid and low fertility soil
Dong Xiaochuan; Zhang Sicheng; Chen Xingyu; Lei Zhong...
Chemical Engineering Journal/492/p.152250, 2024-5 - A preliminary test for nitrogen recovery potential of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria and its granules treating wastewater containing different nitrogen species
Zhao Yankai; Li Zejiao; Fan Yunqiang; Santisouk Lathd...
Chemical Engineering Journal/490/p.151765, 2024-04 - Energy and resource recovery from a future aerobic granular sludge wastewater treatment plant and benefit analysis
Chen Xinyu; Wang Xinyue; Wang Qian; Wang Jixiang; Lei...
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024-03 - Energy and resource recovery from a future aerobic granular sludge wastewater treatment plant and benefit analysis
Chen Xingyu; Wang Xinyue; Wang Qian; Wang Jixiang; Le...
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL/487, 2024-03 - MlrA, an Essential Enzyme for Microcystins and Nodularin on First Step Biodegradation in Microcystin-Degrading Bacteria.
Liu Tianxiao; Kurogo Narumi; Kodato Miwa; Fujimoto Na...
CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY/37(2)/pp.212-215, 2024-01 - A review of alginate-like extracellular polymers from excess sludge: Extraction, characterization, and potential application.
Rungen Zeng; Chen Shi; Liting Hao; Ao Huang; Yuan Ti...
Journal of Water Process Engineering/56/p.104346, 2023-10 - Settling velocity of algal-bacterial granular sludge studied in the sequence batch reactor
Medina Uli Alba Somala; Yuan Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Teru...
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY REPORTS/24/p.101624, 2023-09 - Enhanced Pb (II) removal from wastewater by co-pyrolysis biochar derived from sewage sludge and calcium sulfate: Performance evaluation and quantitative mechanism analysis
Wang Zhiwei; Nie Qi; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang Zhenya; Shi...
Separation and Purification Technology/329/p.125124, 2023-09 - Photosynthetic oxygen-supported algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge can facilitate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater: Focus on light intensity selection
Li Zejiao; Wang Jixiang; Liu Wenjun; Zhao Yankai; Lei...
Bioresource Technology/388/p.129752, 2023-09 - Enhanced Performance of Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge in Comparison to Bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge for Treating Surfactant-containing Wastewater
Wang Hanxiao; Liu Tongtong; Ding Yi; Wang Zhiwei; Zha...
Bioresource Technology Reports/22/p.101462, 2023-05 - The Effect of Nanobubble Water Containing Cordyceps Extract and Withaferin A on Free Fatty Acid-Induced Lipid Accumulation in HepG2 Cells
Han Hanlin; Sun Yixin; Zhang Weixu; Zhang Zhenya; Yua...
NANOMATERIALS/13(15), 2023-08 - Enhanced alginate-like exopolymers recovery from algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge: Optimal cultivation condition and contribution of bacteria and microalgae during the transport/storage period
Chen Xingyu; Mai Jinfei; Dong Xiaochuan; Wang Qian; L...
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY/382, 2023-08 - Highly efficient carbon assimilation and nitrogen/phosphorus removal facilitated by photosynthetic O2 from algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge under controlled DO/pH operation
Li Zejiao; Wang Jixiang; Liu Jialin; Chen Xingyu; Lei...
WATER RESEARCH/238, 2023-05 - Achieving stably enhanced biological phosphorus removal from aerobic granular sludge system via phosphorus rich liquid extraction during anaerobic period
Wang Jixiang; Li Zejiao; Wang Qian; Lei Zhongfang; Yuan ...
Bioresource Technology/346/p.126439, 2022-04 - Efficient removal of molybdate from groundwater with visible color changes using wasted aerobic granular sludge.
原 田; Xu Jing; Wang Zhiwei; Lei Zhongfang; Kato Masashi; S...
Separation and Purification Technology/317/p.123849, 2023-04 - Enhanced fixation of dissolved inorganic carbon by algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge during treatment of low-organic-content wastewater
Xu Jing; Yuan Tian; Wang Lanting; Zhang Chi; Lei Zho...
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY/378/p.128951, 2023-03 - Decreased Efficiency of Free Naked DNA Transformation by Chlorine and UV Disinfection and Its Detection Limitations
Zhang Chi; Miao Hanchen; Lei Zhongfang; Yuan Tian; Zh...
WATER/15(6)/p.1232, 2023-03 - Emergence of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii under fluctuating levofloxacin concentration and its control by chlorine and UV disinfection.
Zhang Chi; Hao Liting; Miao Hanchen; Chen Jiayu; Yuan...
PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION/173/pp.344-353, 2023-03 - Stability of solid form Cr (VI) after being loaded onto hydrochar under different soil pH conditions
Kavindi G.A.G; Lei Zhongfang; Yuan Tian; Shimizu Kazuya; ...
Bioresource Technology Reports/21/p.101376, 2023-02 - Transition of biological wastewater treatment from flocculent activated sludge to granular sludge systems towards circular economy.
Semaha Philip; Lei Zhongfang; Yuan Tian; Zhang Zhenya; Sh...
Bioresource Technology Reports/21/p.101294, 2022-12 - さらに表示...
- Molecular Characterization of Cancer Preventive and Therapeutic Potential of Three Antistress Compounds, Triethylene Glycol, Withanone, and Withaferin A
- 会議発表等
- 廃棄物から資源を作り出すバイオテクノロジー.
原 田
生物工学若手研究者の集まい 夏セミナー2024(委員会企画)/2024-07-13--2024-07-14 - Response of Bacterial and Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge when Treating Nitrogen-deficient Wastewater.
Fan Yunqiang; Zhao Yankai; Lathdavong Santisouk; Lei ...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Response of Photo-driven Algal-bacterial Granular Sludge to Extreme pH Shock: Insights into Granular Properties, Nutrients Removal, and Resource Recovery
Gao Ge; Palomique Kimberly R.; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Ti...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Improved Poly (Vinyl Formal) (PVF) Foam for Microbial Immobilization
Li Zhouyang; Gao Baoqi; Hu Jian; Zhang Aiyi; YUAN Ti...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Enhanced Methane Production and Phosphorus Recovery with MgFe Layered Double Hydroxides Addition in Anaerobic Digestion
Shen Yiming; Liu Yi; YUAN Tian; Zhang Zhenya; Lei Zh...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Feasibility of PVF Foams as Biocarriers for Wastewater Treatment and Influence of Acclimation Environments on Microbial Immobilization
Hu Jian; Gao Baoqi; Li Zhouyang; Zhang Aiyi; YUAN Ti...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Microbial Immobilization on PVA-based Composites for Enhanced Nitrogen Removal from Aquaculture Wastewater
Gao Baoqi; YUAN Tian; Li Zhouyang; Hu Jian; Zhang Ai...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Changes in Pore Property of PVF Foam with Different Dosages of Starch and Its Effect on Immobilization of Nitrifying Bacteria
Zhang Aiyi; YUAN Tian; Gao Baoqi; Hu Jian; Li Zhouya...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - A Review on Influence of Hydraulic Retention Time and Light Intensity on Algal-bacterial Symbiosis System during Wastewater Treatment.
Cai Pei; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Optimization of Dissolved Oxygen Level in Photosynthetic-oxygen Supported Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge System to Coordinate Microalgae and Bacteria
Li Zejiao; Wang Jixiang; Zhao Yankai; Liu Wenjun; Lei...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - A Review on Heavy Metal Contamination in Water Bodies in Lao PDR.
Chanthavong Viengkhong; YUAN Tian; Lei. Zhongfang
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Changes in Cultivable Microbial Communities in Algal-bacterial and Bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge upon Exposure to Levofloxacin
Zhang Chi; Miao Hanchen; YUAN Tian; Zhang Zhenya; Lei...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Effect of Different Light Intensities on the Growth and Stress Responses of Pseudanabaena Foetida Strains
Zhang Ji; Miao Hanchen; Shen Qingyue; Zhang Zhenya; S...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Enhancement of Methane Recovery Efficiency in Anaerobic Digestion at High Organic Loads with Combination of Bioelectrochemical System and Biogas Recirculation
Liu Yi; Xu Jing; Xie Zhuo; YUAN Tian; Zhang Zhenya; ...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - A Novel High-solid Anaerobic Digestion for High-quality Biogas Production.
Xu Zhuoqi; Gu Wenbo; Li Baibing; Shi Yuwei; Xu Jing; ...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Effect of Oxygen Injection on Biogas Generation and Sulfur Transformation in Dry Anaerobic Digestion
Gu Wenbo; Xu Zhuoqi; Shi Yuwei; Li Baibing; Lei Zhon...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Field Demonstration of a New Dry Anaerobic Digestion System for Production of High-quality Biogas and Nutrient-rich Liquid Fertilizer
Cheng Yanfei; Iida Kento; Ishizawa Ayaka; Shoji Akio; ...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Effect of Sludge Retention Time on Phosphorus Accumulation from Wastewater by Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge
Zhang Sicheng; Dong Xiaochuan; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024), Shanghai (China)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Performance of Algal Species Isolated from Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge
Xie Zhuo; YUAN Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang Zhenya
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Effect of Nanobubble Pretreatment on Methane Production during Anaerobic Digestion of Rice Husk.
Li Baibing; YUAN Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang Zhenya
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Ammonium Supplementation Enhanced Lettuce Growth in Hydroponic Cultivation.
Xu Jing; Luo Yun; YUAN Tian; Che Gongye; Liu Yi; Xu ...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - The Effect of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon on Hydroponic Lettuce Growth
Yan Junqi; Xu Jing; YUAN Tian; Luo Yun; Liu Yi; Lei ...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Preferable and Feasible Tests on Phosphorus Release and Recovery from Anaerobically Digested Bacterial and Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludges
Chen Xingyu; Wang Xinyue; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian; S...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Simultaneous Enhancement of Sludge Dewaterability and Phosphorus Reclamation with Addition of Layered Double Hydroxide
Gao Baoqi; YUAN Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang Zhenya; Sh...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Improved Microalgae Growth and Nutrient Removal in Anaerobic Digestate with Sodium Hypochlorite Pretreatment
Zhao Xiaoyu; Yuan Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang. Zhenya
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - さらに表示...
- 廃棄物から資源を作り出すバイオテクノロジー.
- 知的財産権
- メタン発酵装置、およびメタン発酵方法
張振亜; 原 田; 許卓奇
- メタン発酵装置、およびメタン発酵方法
- 担当授業科目
2024-10 -- 2024-12 Renewable Energy and Bioresource Recycling Technologies 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-12 生物資源再利用循環論 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-07 機械・食品工学実験 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1F 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 2F 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Thesis Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1S 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 環境学実践実習II 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 環境学実践実習II 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Fundamental Environmental Engineering Laboratory 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-06 環境工学基礎実験 筑波大学 さらに表示... - 一般講演
- The Role of Microbes in Sustainable Environmental Development
Beijing Union University Lecture/2024-06-24 - Conversion of Organic Wastes into Bioenergy and Value-added Products towards Contribution to Sustainable Society
Japan Sustainability Talks 2024/2024-04-22 - Development of Novel Dry Anaerobic Digestion System to Promote Its Wide Application.
Yuan Tian
The 2nd International Conference on Efficient Utilization of Agricultural Resources and Protection of Ecological Environment/2023-12-09 - A Novel Dry Anaerobic Digestion System for High-quality Bioenergy and Fertilizer Production
Yuan Tian; Zhuoqi Xu; Jing Xu; Zhongfang Lei; Zhenya ...
China-Japan Seminar on Interfacial Process and Control Measures of Combined Pollutants/2023-09-03--2023-09-07 - A Novel Dry Anaerobic Digestion System for High-quality Bioenergy and Fertilizer Production
Yuan Tian
2023 International Workshop on Environmental Science Technology and Sustainability Assessment/2023-08-28 - A Mini Review on Biogas Upgrading in Anaerobic Digestion Systems Treating Organic Solids and Wastewaters via Biogas Recirculation
Yuan Tian
International Workshop on Agricultural Waste Reclamation and Utilization/2021-09-26 - Biogas recirculation in anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge
Yuan Tian
Digital Summer School Interface for Bio-resource & Environmental Engineering/2021-07-30
- The Role of Microbes in Sustainable Environmental Development
- 学協会等委員
2024 -- (現在) 国際バイオプロセス・サステナビリティ学会第2回大会 実行委員会 2023 -- (現在) China-Japan Seminar on Interfacial Process and Control Measures of Combined Pollutants 実行委員会 2023 -- (現在) 国際バイオプロセス・サステナビリティ学会第1回大会 実行委員会 2020-04 -- 2021-03 第4回畜産廃棄物と農村環境における持続可能な管理の進捗に関する国際会議 科学委員会委員 2021-04 -- 2021-09 農業廃棄物の再生利用に関する国際ワークショップ 実行委員会委員 - 学内管理運営業績
2023 -- (現在) 環境系学位プログラム実験室管理委員会 2023 -- (現在) 環境系学位プログラムカリキュラム委員会 2022 -- (現在) 環境系学位プログラムリーダー意向調査実施管理委員会 2022 -- 2023 中国政府高水平入学試験口述試験委員 2021 -- 2023 環境系学位プログラム入学試験口述試験委員 2023 -- (現在) 生命地球科学研究群長候補者選挙管理委員会 2021 -- 2023 ダイバーシティ・アクセスビリティ担当教員 - メッセージ
生物資源プロセス工学研究室ウェブサイト https://www.u.tsukuba.ac.jp/~yuan.tian.ga/
(最終更新日: 2024-10-23)