宮川 創(ミヤガワ ソウ)


  • Views on Animals by Shenoute and Besa, Two Coptic Monastic Leaders in Byzantine Egypt
    宮川 創
    „Environment & Religion in Ancient & Coptic Egypt: Sensing the Cosmos through the Eyes of the Divine“. 1st Egyptological Conference at the People’s University of Athens(査読あり)/2017-02-03
  • The integration of existing digital text corpora and corpus- linguistic tools into research on transitivity and valency in Coptic
    宮川 創
    The Inaugural Workshop of the GIF Project „Transitivity and Valency in Contact: The Case of Coptic“/2017-04-19
  • Utilization of Common OCR Tools for Typeset Coptic Texts
    Miyagawa So; Bulert Kirill; Marco Büchler
    DATeCH (Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage)/2017-06-01
  • Schriftauslegung und Bildungstraditionen im koptischsprachigen ägyptischen Christentum der Spätantike: Schenute, Kanon 6
    Miyagawa So; Delhez Julien; Behlmer Heike
    Jahrestagung "Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne?"/2017-06-29
  • KELLIA (Koptische/Coptic Electronic Language and Literature International Alliance)
    Behlmer Heike; Miyagawa So
    49. Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz/2017-07-14
  • Word Segmentation and Polysynthesis in Coptic
    宮川 創
    International Summer School on Typology and Lexicon (TyLex)/2017-09-07
  • Shenoute and the Bible: Digital Text Re-Use Analysis of Selected Monastic Writings from Egypt
    宮川 創
    Tag der GSGG 2017/2017-11-02
  • Digitisation of Coptic Manuscripts and Digital Humanities Initiatives in Germany, the U.S., Japan, and Israel
    宮川 創
    The 21st Century Curatorship Seminar Series for the Staff at the British Library/2018-03-01
  • A Semantic Map of the Coptic Complementizer če Based on Corpus Analysis: Grammaticalization and Areal Typology in Africa
    Miyagawa So; Zeldes Amir
    International Workshop on Semantic maps: Where do we stand and where are we going?(査読あり)/2018-06-27
  • The Use of Digital Tools in Studies of Biblical Intertextuality in Early Christian Authors: The Case of Shenoute and Besa, Coptic Abbots in the 4-5th Centuries
    Miyagawa So; Büchler Marco
    Society of Biblical Literature, 2018 International Meeting(査読あり)/2018-08-02
  • Building Linguistically and Intertextually Tagged Coptic Corpora with Open Source Tools.
    Miyagawa So; Zeldes Amir; Büchler Marco; Behlmer Heik...
    The 8th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities/2018-09-11
  • Quotation from the Psalms and Its Authority in Shenoute's Monastic Education
    Miyagawa So
    Workshop: ‘As It Is Written’? Uses of Sources in Ancient Mediterranean Texts (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)/2018-11-10
  • Role of Kyoto (Imperial) University in Early History of Egyptology in Japan
    Nishimura Yoko; Miyagawa So
    The 12th International Congress for Egyptologists(査読あり)/2019-11-05
  • An Overview of the Coptic Wordnet Project
    Slaughter Laura; Miyagawa So; Morgado Luis; Costa da; ...
    Digital Coptic 3/2020-07-12--2020-07-13
  • Introduction to Coptic Language and Literature in Digital Age
    Miyagawa So
    Lecture Series "Levant, cradle of Abrahamic Religions" at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization Centre of Excellence of the World Academy of Art & Science, University of Bucharest/2020-09-30--2020-09-30
  • Digital Public History during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Discussion on the Corona Archive @ Kansai University
    Kikuchi Nobuhiko; Uchida Keiichi; Okada Tadakatsu; Hay...
    The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH), 10th annual conference, JADH2020: “A New Decade in Digital Scholarship: Microcosms and Hubs”(査読あり)/2020-11-21--2020-11-22
  • On-going Digital Humanities Projects at Kansai University Open Research Center for Asian Studies
    Miyagawa So; Kikuchi Nobihiko
    2020 Korea-Japan Symposium on Digital Humanities "Zooming-in and zooming-out —Principles and methods in Digital Humanities—"/2020-11-29--2020-11-29
  • Levenshtein Distance and Conceptual Blending in Psalm Quotations in Shenoute, Canon 6
    Miyagawa So; Behlmer Heike
    22nd St. Shenouda-UCLA Conference of Coptic Studies July 16-17, 2021/2021-07-16--2021-07-17
  • Reading Cosmogonical Texts Written in Ancient Egyptian and Coptic: From Pyramid Texts to Gnostic and Manichaean Texts
    Miyagawa So
    Annual Interdisciplinary School of Ancient Greek, Egyptology and Oriental Languages 2nd Edition "Cosmogony or the Myth about the Act of Making the World in Classical and Oriental Literatures"/2021-09-01--2021-09-07
  • Building Web Corpus of Old Nubian with Interlinear Glossing as Digital Cultural Heritage for Modern-Day Nubians
    Miyagawa So; van Gerven Oei Vincent W.J.
    JADH2021: The 11th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2021) "Digital Humanities and COVID-19"/2021-09-06--2021-09-08
  • Introduction to the Database of Old Nubian Texts
    Miyagawa So
    Nubia Fest 2021/2021-09-13--2021-09-18
  • Computational Stylometric Analysis on Intertextuality in Historical Written Langauges: A Case Study of Coptic
    Miyagawa So
    データ駆動型科学が解き明かす古代インド文献の時空間的特徴第2回ワークショップ”Ancient India meets Data-Science”「古代インドとデータサイエンス」/2022-02-11--2022-02-11
  • Digital Curation of Resources Related to Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan
    Miyagawa So
    The Digital Orientalist’s 2022 Online Conference "Infrastructures"(査読あり)/2022-06-25--2022-06-25
  • Evaluation of Coptic Wordnet
    Slaughter Laura; Miyagawa So; Morgado da Costa Luis; B...
    International Association for Coptic Studies (IACS) 12th International Congress of Coptic Studies(査読あり)/2022-07-11--2022-07-16
  • Application of Coptic WordNet to Intertextuality Studies in Coptic Literature: Shenoute, Besa, and the Bible
    Miyagawa So; Marco Büchler; Slaughter Laura; Morgado d...
    International Association for Coptic Studies (IACS) 12th International Congress of Coptic Studies/2022-07-11--2022-07-16
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