NG Lay Sion

Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Center of English for Global Communication CA 507
Research fields
Literature in English
Research keywords
Hemingway, American Literature, Material Feminism, Ecocritism, Environmetal Humanities, Non-anthropocentrism
Research projects
Rethinking Hemingway Literature in the Anthropocene Era: A Posthumanist Reading2022 -- 2026NG LAY SIONJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists4,550,000Yen
“Rethinking ‘Hemingway’: Uncovering the Historical and Cultural Influences of Oak Park and Cuba on Ernest Hemingway”2016-08 -- 2016-09NG LAY SIONCross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University)/572,000Yen
“Discovering the Utopian Perspective of America”2015-02 -- 2015-03NG LAY SIONCross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University)/263,232Yen
“Catching the Rhythm in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises”2014-02 -- 2014-03NG LAY SIONCross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University)/350,000Yen
Career history
2022-08 -- 2022-10Tel Aviv University,Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities,Visiting Research Fellow
2021-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaCenter for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC)Assistant Professor
2019-04 -- 2021-03Reitaku Universitythe Center for English CommunicationLecturer
2018-05 -- 2019-03Osaka College of Foreign LanguagesEnglish DepartmentLecturer (part-time)
2017-10 -- 2017-12University of Collogne,English Department,Academic Visitor
2017-08 -- 2017-10Bath Spa University,Research Centre of Environmental Humanities,Academic Visitor
Academic background
2014-04 -- 2019-03Osaka University Graduate School of Language and Culture Langauge and Society
2014-04 -- 2019-03Osaka University Cross-Boundary Innovation Program
2010-04 -- 2014-03Fukushima University Human Development and Culture Studies 地域生活文化
2008-04 -- 2009-10Pusat Bahasa Institute 日本語大学予備コース
Academic societies
2020-04 -- 2022-03The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
2017-08 -- 2019-03The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in UK-Ireland (ASLE-UKI)
2016-04 -- (current)The Hemingway Society
2016-04 -- (current)The Hemingway Society of Japan
2014-04 -- (current)Japan Association for Language and Teaching (JALT)
Honors & Awards
2024-02Oversea Conference Travel GrantExcellent application/abstract paper for the conference
2022-07Hinkle Travel GrantExcellent application/abstract paper for the conference
2021-05Lewis-Raynolds-Smith Founders FellowshipQualified and promising book project
2021-02Heldrich-Dvorak Travel FellowshipExcellent application/abstract paper for the conference
Conference, etc.
  • “Understanding Unconscious Bias: ‘Indian Camp’ in the Japanese Context.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 48th JALT International Conference on “Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice/2022-11-11--2022-11-13
  • Towards a Politics of Cure: Jake Barnes’s Mastery of Submission in The Sun Also Rises
    The 32nd Annual Conference of the Hemingway Society of Japan/2021-12-18--2021-12-19
  • The “Rotten” Matter in A Farewell to Arms: An Ecological Gothic Reading
    Ng Lay Sion
    Southwest Popular/American Culture Association 42nd Annual Conference/2021-02-21--2021-02-25
  • Ecology of Color in The Old Man and the Sea: An Ecological Posthumanist Reading
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 19th Biennial Hemingway Society Conference in Wyoming/Montana/2022-07-17--2022-07-23
  • “The “Rotten” Matter in A Farewell to Arms: An Ecological Gothic Reading.”
    Southwest Popular/American Culture Association 42nd Annual Conference/2021-02-22--2021-02-28
  • His eyes…they were the same color as the sea”: Ecology of Color and Anti-(Environmental) Imperial Perspective in The Old Man and the Sea.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 30th Annual Conference of Hemingway Society of Japan/2019-11-16--2019-11-17
  • “‘Exploded and Being Swallowed’: Cannibalism in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 55th Annual Conference of the American Literature Society of Japan (ALSJ)/2016-10-01--2016-10-02
  • ‘“The farther you go back, the more beautiful and desirable the world becomes’: Environmental and Gender Utopia/Dystopia in Paul Auster’s In The Country of Last Things.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 5th International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia (ISLE-EA)/2016-11-05--2016-11-08
  • “Embracing Otherness: Mastery of Submission in The Sun Also Rises.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 27th Annual Conference of Hemingway Society of Japan/2016-11-20--2016-11-21
  • “Transformation through Sports: An Interview with Russian LGBT Sport Federation.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    GALE Forum in the JALT 42nd Annual International Conference: Transformation in Language Teaching/2016-11-23--2016-11-27
  • “Postgender and the Biological Body in Don DeLillo’s Zero K.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 56th Annual Conference of America Literature Society of Japan/2017-10-14--2017-10-15
  • “Queer Harmonious Relationships in For Whom the Bell Tolls: A Yin-Yang Cosmological Approach.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 18th International Hemingway Conference: Hemingway in Paris./2018-07-23--2018-07-28
  • “His eye was the most alive thing David had ever seen”: A Non-Anthropocentric Perspective on the African Story in The Garden of Eden.”
    Ng Lay Sion
    The 29th Annual Conference of Hemingway Society of Japan/2019-11-16--2019-11-17
2024-10 -- 2025-02English Academic WritingUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08English Academic WritingUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08English Reading Skills IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02English Reading Skills IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2022-04 -- 2023-02English Academic Writing I/IICenter of English for Global Communication
2022-04 -- 2023-02English Presentation Skills I/IICenter of English for Global Communication
2022-04 -- 2023-02English Reading Skills I/IICenter of English for Global Communication
2021-04 -- 2022-03English Academic Writing I/IICenter of English for Global Communication
2021-04 -- 2022-03English Presentation Skills I/IICenter of English for Global Communication
2021-04 -- 2022-03English Reading Skills I/IICenter of English for Global Communication
Other educational activities
2023-11 -- 2023-11"Learning Strategies Every Student Should Know" Online WorkshopAcademic Writing Support Desk (AWSD), CEGLOC
2023-01 -- 2023-01"Show, Don't Tell" Creative Writing Workshop (University of Tsukuba X Tel Aviv University)Ng Lay Sion
2022-08 -- 2022-10Visiting Research FellowLester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
2022-07 -- 2022-07“Writing to Learn: The Benefits of Free-Writing Practice” Online WorkshopAcademic Writing Support Desk (AWSD), CEGLOC
2019-07 -- 2019-07“Learning English through Pop Songs” WorkshopCenter of English Communication (CEC), Reitaku University
2019-06 -- 2019-06Panel Moderator at L. M. Montgomery International ConferenceReitaku University
2018-02 -- 2018-02Organizer of the 20th Future Leader Forum “LGBTQ + Coming-Out = Cross-Boundary”Cross-Boundary Innovation Program, Osaka University.
2017-08 -- 2017-10Academic VisitorResearch Centre for Environmental Humanities, Bath Spa University, U.K.
2013-08 -- 2013-10Protocol AssistantDepartment of International Affairs, Houston City Hall, Texas, USA.
University Management
2021-04 -- (current)University in-house Journal "Studies in Foreign Language Teaching"Journal reviewer and editor
2021-04 -- (current)Academic Writing Support Desk (CEGLOC)Assistant Director
Other activities
2024-01 -- (current)Language and Cultural Supporter, Tsukuba International Association
2021-02 -- 2021-02Content Contributor, “Our Monologues Online,” organized by V-Day Osaka.
2020-04 -- 2021-04Contributor, Edge of Humanity Magazine
2018-10 -- 2018-10Cultural Supporter, “Asian Week Festival,” Ritsumeikan University Ibaraki Campus, organized by Osaka Foundation of International Exchange
2018-06 -- 2018-06Cultural Supporter, Kansai Medical University Medical Center (Toneyama School special edition), organized by Osaka Foundation of International Exchange
2018-02 -- 2018-02Content Contributor, “Vagina Monologues,” organized by V-Day Osaka.
2017-08 -- 2018-01Columnist, TERSE. Journal
2012-08 -- 2012-08Guest Speaker, “the 18th Asian Pacific Youth Conference,” organized by Initiative of Changes Japan

(Last updated: 2024-02-25)