FLORESCU Mihail Cosmin(フロレスク ミハイル コスミン)

On the efficacy of learning to communicate in English with a voice-recognition-based app2023 -- 2026FLORESCU Mihail Cosmin日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)3,900,000円
On the Creation of Software to Improve Japanese Learners' Academic English2021-04 -- 2024-03Rogers James科学研究費助成事業/科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金) 基盤研究(C)(一般)3,900,000円
英語を母国語としない医学生を対象とした英語医療面接及び身体診察の評価基準の開発2018-04 -- 2022-03押味 貴之科学研究費助成事業/科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金)基盤研究(C)(一般)4,420,000円
2016-04 -- 2022-03国際医療福祉大学医学部・総合教育センター講師
2010-02 -- 2012-09University of New England School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Applied Linguistics
2005-04 -- 2007-03筑波大学大学院 地域研究 地域研究(日本研究)
2007-03日本語教師養成プログラム 修了証明書筑波大学大学院
2010-09Master of Applied LinguisticsUniversity of New England,
2017-04 -- (現在)日本医学英語教育学会
2018-04 -- (現在)日本医学教育学会
  • On the Creation of a Corpus-Derived Medical Multi-Word Term List
    Cosmin FLORESCU Mihail; OHNIWA Ryosuke L.
    Information/16(2)/p.118, 2025-02
  • Using a large-scale corpus-based academic multi-word unit list to create digital learning tools
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Rogers James
    英語コーパス学会大会予稿集2023/27/pp.67-72, 2023-09-09
  • What happens when we switch from TOEFL ITP to TOEIC L&R?
    Journal of Medical English Education/22(2/3号)/pp.54-55, 2023-10
  • Correlations between English language proficiency and medical communication skills in Japanese medical students
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; 押味貴之; 早坂裕介
    医学教育 = Medical education/53(補冊), 2022-08-05
  • Relationship between passive and active communication skills as measured by language proficiency tests in first-year medical students
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; 早坂裕介; Pijanowska Marta; 押味貴之
    Journal of Medical English Education/21(2), 2022-07-16
  • オンラインで新入生同士が交流するにはどうしたらいいか?: オンラインでのグループ紹介プロジェクトの取り組み
    押味貴之; Barnabas Martin; Shawn De Haven; 早坂裕介; FLORESCU ...
    第52回日本医学教育学会大会/51(3)/pp.301-301, 2020-07
  • An active-learning class on LGBTQ+ education led by students
    Nitta Saya; Cheong Natasha Yuinshen; Florescu Mihail Cosmin
    Journal of Medical English Education/21(1)/pp.41-48, 2022-02
  • Can online language proficiency tests be used reliably to place students according to their proficiency levels?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Hayasaka Yusuke; Rogers James; ...
    Journal of Medical English Education/21(1)/pp.3-8, 2022-02
  • What Pronunciation Issues Will Japanese Students Encounter With High-frequency English Vocabulary?
    Rogers James Martin; FLORESCU MIHAIL COSMIN
    名城大学人文紀要/56(3)/pp.1-6, 2021-03
  • The creation and application of a large-scale corpus-based academic multi-word unit list
    Rogers James; Müller Amanda; Daulton Frank; Dickinson Pa...
    ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES/62/pp.142-157, 2021-04
  • On the motivational effects of choice on ESL learners: Changes in English language proficiency during the second year at a medical school
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Inokawa Mutsumi; Hayasaka Yusu...
    Journal of Medical English Education/19(3)/pp.1-7, 2020-10
  • オンライン授業におけるZoomによる効果的なグループディスカッション
    FLORESCU MIHAIL COSMIN; 押味 貴之; 赤津 晴子; Katrina Fanjul; 井之川...
    2020年度ICT利用による教育改善研究発表会資料集/pp.34-37, 2020-08
  • How does learner autonomy influence preparation for, and performance on the TOEFL ITP test?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Hayasaka Yusuke; Inokawa Mutsu...
    Journal of Medical English Education/19(1)/pp.5-13, 2020-02
  • Can we improve TOEFL ITP scores by teaching test-taking strategies and assigning an online test preparation course?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Hayasaka Yusuke; Oshimi Takayu...
    Journal of Medical English Education/18(3)/pp.55-64, 2019-10
  • Common names: A missing yet essential aspect of language instruction
    Martin Rogers James; Florescu Mihail Cosmin
    名城大学人文紀要/53(2)/pp.65-78, 2017-12
  • Learner-customized Interactions: Introducing a Procedure for Acquiring English Using Web Resources
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin
    The Kyoto JALT Review/(3)/pp.9-27, 2016-03
  • On Using Corpus Frequency, Dispersion, and Chronological Data to Help Identify Useful Collocations
    Rogers James; Brizzard Chris; Daulton Frank; Florescu Co...
    Vocabulary Learning and Instruction/4(2)/pp.21-37, 2015-12
  • A Methodology for Identification of the Formulaic Language Most Representative of High-frequency Collocations
    Rogers James; Brizzard Chris; Daulton Frank; Florescu Co...
    Vocabulary Learning and Instruction/3(1)/pp.51-65, 2014-12
  • 日本語の雑談における話題転換—親疎の対人関係に着目して−
    渡辺 薫; Wongsamin Sureerat; 李 海南; FLORESCU MIHAIL COSMIN
    『談話と文法の接点・ 諸外国語と日本語の対照的記述に関する方法論的研究』/pp.137-164, 2006-06
  • Core Spirit of IUHW Third Edition
    Cota George C.; 智恵 斎藤; 寛子 佐藤; 佐藤 雄介; 英樹 白岩; 田中 泰郎; 美子 田中; 礼...
    Cengage Learning, 2018-02
  • Clinical Scenes 2018
    美子 田中; 紀子 南井; 路子 宮崎; 礼子 千葉; Cota George C.; 智恵 斎藤; 武 徳江; ...
    マクミラン ランゲージハウス, 2018-04
  • カンタンリハビリ英会話キーフレーズ600+
    角田 亘; 志村 圭太; 山口 佳小里; 大石 斐子; FLORESCU MIHAIL COSMIN
    新興医学出版社, 2019-09
  • On the creation of a large-scale corpus-based academic multi-word unit list and its application via C.A.L.L.
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Rogers James
    Synergies in Communication (SiC) The 11th International Conference/2023-10-26--2023-10-27
  • Using a large-scale corpus-based academic multi-word unit list to create digital learning tools
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Rogers James
    英語コーパス学会 大会 2023/2023-09-09--2023-09-10
  • Relationship between passive and active communication skills as measured by language proficiency tests in first-year medical students
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin
    全国語学教育学会 第49回年次国際大会/2023-11-24--2023-11-27
  • What happens when we switch from TOEFL ITP to TOEIC L&R?
  • Correlations between English language proficiency and medical communication skills in Japanese medical students
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; 押味貴之; 早坂裕介
  • Relationship between passive and active communication skills as measured by language proficiency tests in first-year medical students
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; 早坂裕介; Pijanowska Marta; 押味貴之
  • オンラインで新入生同士が交流するにはどうしたらいいか?: オンラインでのグループ紹介プロジェクトの取り組み
    押味貴之; Barnabas Martin; Shawn De Haven; 早坂裕介; Cosmin Flores...
  • Classes for first-year students based on “The Seven Habits for Highly Effective Teens"
    Inokawa Mutsumi; Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Fanjul Katrina
    第3回JAAL in JACET 学術交流集会/2020-12-05--2020-12-06
  • オンライン授業におけるZoom による効果的なグループディスカッション
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Oshimi Takayuki; Haruko Akatsu; F...
  • Creation of peer profiles as a project-based learning activity promotes improvement in language, technology and interpersonal skills
    Martin Jon Barnabas; Oshimi Takayuki; Haven Shawn Michae...
  • Do they know that they know? Confidence vs performance in preclinical Japanese medical students
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Katsuyama Vitalii; Babayev Tamer...
    AMEE 2021 Annual Conference/2021-08-27--2021-08-30
  • Developing a rubric for measuring English history-taking skills of non-native English-speaking medical students
    Oshimi Takayuki; Babayev Tamerlan; Hayasaka Yusuke; Flore...
    AMEE 2019 Annual Conference/2019-08-24--2019-08-28
  • How can we deal with the vocabulary of TED talks? Focusing on text analysis and TOEFL ITP scores
    Inokawa Mutsumi; Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Hayasaka Yusuke...
  • Student perception and achievement of learning outcomes: A pilot study focusing on listening skills
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Hayasaka Yusuke; Oshimi Takayuki
  • Is there a consistent gap between medical students’ input-processing and output-production skills?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Katsuyama Vitalii; Oshimi Takayu...
  • How large is the gap between medical students’ input-processing and output-production skills?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Lytnev Vitalii; Hayasaka Yusuke
  • English language proficiency and preclinical academic performance of first-year medical students
    Oshimi Takayuki; Hayasaka Yusuke; Babayev Tamerlan; Akats...
  • Can we use free language proficiency tests for placement in English language programs?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Hayasaka Yusuke; Oshimi Takayuki...
  • How does English language proficiency change during the second year at the IUHW School of Medicine?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Inokawa Mutsumi; Hayasaka Yusuke...
  • How does learner autonomy influence preparation for, and performance on the TOEFL ITP® test?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Hayasaka Yusuke; Oshimi Takayuki...
  • Can we improve TOEFL ITP® scores by teaching test-taking strategies?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Hayasaka Yusuke; Babayev Tamerla...
  • Student-owned learning, managed by instructor. Oral pecha-kucha style presentation
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin
  • Physical exercise improves self-reported life satisfaction, vitality and alertness in first-year medical students
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin
  • Can we improve Japanese learners’ confidence in their listening skills?
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin
  • Interactive learning methods: Using mobile devices and applications to encourage active learning
    Florescu Mihail Cosmin; Jawaid Imran Raza
  • さらに表示...
2024-10 -- 2024-12医学英語筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-07医学英語I筑波大学
2024-07 -- 2024-07専門語学(英語)N筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02TOEFL演習筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08TOEFL演習筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-07Clinical Communication in English I筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-07実践英語(TOEFL対策)筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12Clinical Communication in English II筑波大学
2024-09 -- 2024-09専門語学(英語)O筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12医学英語II筑波大学
2022-06 -- 2025-05日本医学教育学会学会国際化委員会・委員
我々の心を部屋として考えると、自らの将来の道は、部屋の窓から見える道に当たります。多くの人は「一部屋に1つの窓しかない」と勘違いしていますが、心という部屋には(外の人間にも見える)「ガラス製の窓」以外に(自分にしか見えない)簾で覆われた窓もあります。「簾の向こうには壁だ」と思ったら、「自分が医師になる」自信がなかったでしょう。「Behind this bamboo screen there lies another world」と記されている簾を近くから覗いてみたら?

(最終更新日: 2024-10-04)