SATO Marie
- Affiliation
- Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 5>,?:W8,=40W2@N]Y@W?>@6@-,W,.W5;
- Research fields
Area studies International relations - Research keywords
Middle Eastern Studies Refugee Studies Politics of Jordan - Research projects
現代中東における難民主導型組織の展開とレジリエンスをめぐる実証的研究 2023 -- 2025 佐藤 麻理絵 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 3,380,000Yen 現代中東における難民主導型組織の展開とレジリエンスをめぐる実証的研究 2023-04 -- 2026-03 佐藤麻理絵 日本学術振興会/日本学術振興会/若手研究 現代中東におけるイスラーム的NGOの域内ネットワークの解明:ヨルダンを中心に 2018-04 -- 2023-03 Marie Sato Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究 “熱”からみる自然資源利用の知と実践―中東・ユーラシア乾燥地をフィールドに 2019-09 -- 2022-03 Marie Sato 人間文化研究機構/現代中東地域研究次世代共同研究 ヨルダンにおける都市難民の居住動態と空間変容 2019-07 -- 2020-06 Marie Sato 難民研究フォーラム/ 現代中東における難民とその生存基盤―難民ホスト国ヨルダンの都市・イスラーム・NGO 2017-04 -- 2018-03 Marie Sato Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/令和3年度科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金)(研究成果公開促進費)「学術図書」 イスラーム的NGOが創る21世紀型人道支援システム:中東の地域紛争と難民を事例に 2016-04 -- 2019-03 Marie Sato Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows - Academic background
2006-04 -- 2011-03 中央大学 総合政策学部 政策科学科 2009-08 -- 2010-06 University of Copenhagen Faculty of Social Science Political Science 2011-04 -- 2016-03 Kyoto University Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies - Degree
2016-03 Doctor of Area Studies Kyoto University - Academic societies
2013 -- (current) JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR MIDDLE EAST STUDIES 2014 -- (current) THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR ARID LAND STUDIES 2016 -- (current) The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies 2019 -- (current) Association for Islamic Studies in Japan 2020 -- (current) JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR MIGRATION POLICY STUDIES 2021 -- (current) Japan Association of International Relations - Articles
- Linking population fluidity and olive production in Jordan and Syria
SATO Marie; IZUMI Tomoki; ABU-ZREIG Majed; UNAMI Koichi
Journal of Arid Land Studies/34(S)/pp.39-43, 2024-07-30 - Does synchronization of biennial bearing in olive production exist?: Evidence from the Mediterranean countries
Journal of Arid Land Studies/34(S)/pp.51-54, 2024-07-30 - Post-war Reconstruction of the Yazīdī Minority in Morthern Iraq’s Pluralistic Society: A Case Study of Olive Cultivation in Ba‘shīqa Sub-district, Nīnawā Governorate
佐藤 麻理絵
イスラーム世界研究 = Kyoto bulletin of Islamic area studies/16/pp.131-144, 2023-03 - Refugee settlement and heat in the arid regions: The case of Jordan
Sato Marie
Journal of Arid Land Studies/32(S)/pp.289-293, 2022-12 - Network of Muslim Communities in Japan and Their Coordination With Syrian NGO Based in Turkey: Focusing on Syrian Refugee Relief Work from Otsuka Masjid and Japan Islamic Trust
佐藤 麻理絵
Migration Policy Review/14/pp.91-106, 2022-06 - Humanitarian Aid in Times of Conflict: Development of Syrian Diaspora Organizations based in Turkey
佐藤 麻理絵
Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies/pp.222-239, 2022-03 - Refugee Protection by Islamic Solidarity:A Case Study of International Cooperation by Islamic NGOs in Jordan
佐藤 麻理絵
Refugee Studies Journal/11/pp.94-106, 2022-03 - Refugee Settlement in the Islamic City A Case Study of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
佐藤 麻理絵
Refugee Studies Journal/10/pp.86-98, 2021-03 - Islamic Charity and Royal NGOs in Jordan: The Role of Monarchial Institutions in its Balancing Act
Sato Marie
Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin/1/pp.1-12, 2019-11 - The Development of Refugee Relief in Jordan: Focusing on Islamic NGOs
佐藤 麻理絵
Asian and African Area Studies/18(1)/pp.1-19, 2018-09
- Linking population fluidity and olive production in Jordan and Syria
- Books
- 第3章 市民社会──脱政治化されるヨルダン君主制下NGOsの展開
佐藤 麻理絵
君主制諸国 (シリーズ・中東政治研究の最前線), 2023-6 - 第7章 難民を救うイスラーム的NGO―イスラームに根ざす支え合いの仕組み
佐藤 麻理絵
現代中東における宗教・メディア・ネットワーク―イスラームのゆくえ/春風社/pp.171-192, 2021-02 - 現代中東の難民とその生存基盤: 難民ホスト国ヨルダンの都市・イスラーム・NGO
佐藤 麻理絵
ナカニシヤ出版, 2018-03
- 第3章 市民社会──脱政治化されるヨルダン君主制下NGOsの展開
- Conference, etc.
- Visualizing soil moisture content and historical transformation of livelihood: A case of Irbid, Jordan
佐藤 麻理絵
Visualizing Diverse Socio-Environmental Systems: Toward Robustness Beyond Resilience/2023-12-3 - Complexity, Contingency and Depoliticization of Civil Society in Jordan
佐藤 麻理絵
International Workshop “Exploring Social Resilience of Jordan: Formal and Informal Resource Allocations"/2023-10-14 - Islam and Cosmetics: Role of Olives
佐藤 麻理絵
Tsukuba Conference 2023, The Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in the International Co-creative Strategies Beyond SDGs(CiC)/2023-9-27 - 越境する人道支援-難民自身によるレジリエンス構築の模索-
佐藤 麻理絵
第19回DDPIセミナー/2023-6-15 - Linking population fluidity and olive production in Jordan and Syria
佐藤 麻理絵
DESERT TECHNOLOGY XV (DTXV) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARID LAND, 2023 Jordan University of Science and Technology/2023-6-3--2023-6-6 - Does Synchronization of Biennial Bearing in Olive Production Exist?: Evidence from the Mediterranean Countries
Kashiwagi Kenichi; Sato Marie; Kamiyama Hajime
DESERT TECHNOLOGY XV (DTXV) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARID LAND, 2023/2023-06-03--2023-06-06 - The Hybridity of Transnational Activism by Muslim Migrant Organizations in Japan
佐藤 麻理絵
ISTR 15th International Conference/2022-7-14 - イラク北部ニーナワー県における多元社会の学際的将来像
佐藤 麻理絵
2022年度海外学術調査フォーラム「フィールドサイエンスと 共同研究の可能性」/2022-6-25 - Syrian Refugee-Run Aid Organizations Helping Newcomers: Observations in Turkey
Sato Marie
Syrian Refugees in Their Calamities, Survival, and Future Lives: A Japan Roundtable/2022-6-12 - 難民が創造する人道支援:シリア・トルコ国境を超えて
佐藤 麻理絵
中東・イスラーム研究の課題と展望 ポストコロナ時代へむけて/2022-1-8
- Visualizing soil moisture content and historical transformation of livelihood: A case of Irbid, Jordan
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-12 International Studies I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 International Perspective on Japanese Social Sciences 1B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Migration and Multicultural Studies 2 University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Human Security University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 International Perspective on Japanese Social Sciences 1A University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2023-12 Migration and Multicultural Studies 3 University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2023-12 International Studies I University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2023-12 Migration and Multicultural Studies 1 University of Tsukuba. 2023-10 -- 2024-03 Tutorial for International Studies I University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-07 Introduction to International Studies III University of Tsukuba. more... - Message
(Last updated: 2024-05-13)