武政 徹(タケマサ トオル)


  • Effects of Intensity and Duration of Endurance Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type Transition in Mice
    MIYAZAKI Mitsunori; HITOMI Yoshiaki; KIZAKI Takako; OHNO ...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/11(1)/pp.15-20, 2005-04
  • The experimental system to analyze mRNA expression profiles between slow and fast muscle fibers
    Hitomi Yoshiaki; Kizaki Takako; Nakano Norihiko; Katsumur...
    体力科學/54(1)/p.73, 2005-02
  • The experimental system to analyze mRNA expression profiles between slow and fast muscle fibers
    Hitomi Y; Kizaki T; Nakano N; Katsumura T; Esaki K; Takem...
  • 蛋白質脱リン酸化酵素カルシニューリンは,骨格筋肥大に関与するか?
    人見嘉哲; 木崎節子; 中野法彦; 武政 徹; 芳賀脩光; 桜井智野風; 井澤鉄也; 谷口直之; 大野秀樹
    体力科学/54/p.60-61, 2005-01
  • Effects of intensity and duration of endurance exercise on skeletal muscle fiber type transition in mice.
    Mitsunori Miyazaki; Yoshiaki Hitomi; Takako Kizaki; Hi...
    Adv. Exerc. Sports Physiol/11/p.15-20, 2005-01
  • O-9 Effect of hyperventilation during resistance exercise on muscle oxygenation and hormonal response in humans(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
    TAKEMASA Tohru; MIYAKAWA Shunpei; ESAKI Kazuki; HIROKAWA ...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/10(4)/p.121, 2004-12
  • Contribution of the calcineurin signaling pathway to overload-induced skeletal muscle fiber-type transition
    Miyazaki M; Hitomi Y; Kizaki T; Ohno H; Haga S; Takemasa T
    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY/55(4)/pp.751-764, 2004-12
  • Hematological Responses in Juveniles after Training at Moderate Altitude
    OHNO Hideki; KIM Chang K.; KIM Jin H.; JUNG Yong S.; BAE ...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/10(2)/pp.31-35, 2004-07
  • Effect of Hyperventilation During Resistance Exercise on Hormonal Response in Humans
    TAKEMASA Tohru; MIYAKAWA Shunpei; NAGATA Satoshi; ESAKI ...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/10(2)/pp.55-61, 2004-07
  • 高齢者女性を対象とした健康づくり運動が脚力および歩行能力に及ぼす影響
    韓 一栄; 大野 誠; 衣笠 隆; 武政 徹; 江崎 和希; 林 淳吉; 芳賀 脩光
    臨床スポーツ医学 = The journal of clinical sports medicine/21(5)/pp.573-580, 2004-05
  • Simple method for the identification of oxidative fibers in skeletal muscle
    Takemasa T; Sugimoto K; Miyazaki M; Machida M; Ikeda S; H...
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY/91(2-3)/pp.357-359, 2004-03
  • 低頻度・低強度の健康づくり運動が高齢者の身体機能に及ぼす影響 : 下肢筋力・歩行機能に対する検討
    韓 一栄; 大野 誠; 衣笠 隆; 武政 徹; 江崎 和希; 芳賀 脩光
    日本体育大学紀要/33(2)/pp.71-78, 2004-03
  • Induction of MIC1P1 mRNA in rat skeletal muscle indicates the activation of the calcineurin signaling pathway during exercise
    Hitomi Yoshiaki; Kizaki Takako; Watanabe Sumiko; Katsumur...
    体力科學/53(1)/p.68, 2004-02
  • Induction of MCIP1 mRNA in rat skeletal muscle indicates the activation of the calcineurin signaling pathway during exercise
    Hitomi Y; Kizaki T; Watanabe S; Katsumura T; Esaki K; Tak...
  • Hematological responses in juveniles after training at moderate altitude.
    Hideki Ohno; Chang K. Kim; Jin H. Kim; Yong S Jung; Sang Y. B...
    Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology/10(2)/p.31-35, 2004-01
  • Regional difference of muscle oxygen saturation in quadriceps femoris during knee extension exercise.
    Kazuki Esaki; Takafumi Hamaoka; Tohru Takemasa; Toshihito...
    the 9th Annual ECSS Congress,, 2004-01
  • Changes in the activity-level of the cerebral cortex-the function of concentration maintenance (TAF) and influence of the exercise in the elderly
    SASAHARA Michiko; HAGA Shukoh; ESAKI Kazuki; HIROKAWA Mi...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/9(4)/p.203, 2003-12
  • 504. 高齢者の大脳皮質活動水準-集中維持機能(TAF)の変容と運動の影響 : 青年および高齢者にみる集中維持機能の比較検討(加齢・性差)
    笹原 美智子; 芳賀 脩光; 江崎 和希; 廣川 充志; 武政 徹; 西平 賀昭; 衣笠 隆; 勝村 俊仁; 高桑 栄松; 人見 嘉...
    体力科學/52(6)/p.966, 2003-12
  • 251. 時間分解分光法を用いた膝伸展運動中の大腿筋内酸素動態(運動器)
    江崎 和希; 芳賀 脩光; 武政 徹; 宮川 俊平; 浜岡 隆文; 勝村 俊仁; 水野 眞佐夫; 人見 嘉哲; 木...
    体力科學/52(6)/p.840, 2003-12
  • 1Q07 Effect on blood adipose tissue and MDA-LDL with combined exercise training in middle-aged and older persons
    HIROKAWA Mitsushi; HAGA Shukoh; ESAKI Kazuki; MIYAZAKI M...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/9(4)/p.199, 2003-12
  • 1P14 Effects on muscle oxygenation of exercise program in older persons
    ESAKI Kazuki; KINUGASA Takashi; TAKEMASA Tohru; MIYAZAKI ...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/9(4)/p.171, 2003-12
  • 1C04 Contribution of calcineurie pathway to overload-induced skeletal muscle fiber tpe alteration
    MIYAZAKI Mitsunori; HITOMI Yoshiaki; KIZAKI Takako; OHNO ...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/9(4)/p.150, 2003-12
  • 1C01 Nobel method for the identification of oxidative fibers in skeletal muscle
    TAKEMASA Tohru; MIYAZAKI Mitsunori; HITOMI Yoshiaki; KIZA...
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/9(4)/p.148, 2003-12
  • 膝伸展運動時の共同筋内における筋内酸素飽和度の相違
    江崎 和希; 武政 徹; 長田 卓也; 黒澤 裕子; 人見 嘉哲; 木崎 節子; 大野 秀樹; 浜岡 隆文; 勝村...
    脈管学/43(8)/pp.327-330, 2003-08
  • 遺伝子レベルの高地トレーニング
    大野 秀樹; 鈴木 健二; 人見 嘉哲; 木崎 節子; 大貫 義人; 小林 寛道; 衣笠 隆; 武政 徹; 芳賀 脩光
    体力科學/52(2)/p.227, 2003-04
  • さらに表示...